About Us

Working with districts to find educational technology solutions

The Northeastern Regional Information Center (NERIC) is a resource for cooperative educational technology services and support.

As one of 12 Regional Information Centers (RICs) working with the Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) in New York state, NERIC serves more than 130 school districts — large and small, urban, suburban and rural — in seven BOCES across a geographic area that covers 17 counties.

Our coverage spans New York’s Capital Region to the Canadian border.

NERIC makes a wide range of educational technology tools and services available to the districts we serve. These apply to multiple facets of district operations, such as:

  • instruction
  • student information
  • finances
  • human resources
  • security and test reporting

Our team provides expert professional and technology support for each program and service we offer.

We also offer professional development focused on instructional technology integration to help expand your knowledge and support your students.

What our customers say about our service

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    “NERIC's team has always done a great job supporting us–they are open and willing to be partners.”

    Paul Streicher

    Director of Technology, Glens Falls City SD