Data Protection Officer Coaching Service

This service provides detailed assistance and project management surrounding the major tasks associated with the NYS Ed Law 2-d regulations to assist district administration to strive for data security in accordance with state and federal laws.

Service Benefits

  • a premier level of support for your district’s compliance with NYS Ed Law 2-d regulations
  • access to statewide documentation and templates created by the 12 Regional Information Centers
  • expertise of staff who work in conjunction with other Regional Information Centers and the New York State Education Department
  • access to technology and security experts internally at NERIC and externally
  • a central point of contact, but with a team approach as opposed to a single onsite NERIC Coordinator

Data Share Agreement Coordination-DSAC

Analyze the current procurement process and develop a new process for software procurement if needed. Act as the 3rd Party Vendor Data Share Agreement coordinator for the district. Vendor reach-out, follow-up, and project management.

NIST CSF Self-Assessment & Consultation

Facilitate the NIST CSF self assessment with leaders in the district. Work together to perform a gap analysis between the district’s current profile and a prescribed target profile. Facilitate discussions amongst the team to develop an attainable annual action plan to achieve acceptable control levels based on the assessment results.

Local IRP Development (Project Management)

Develop a formal incident response plan, and make sure that everyone, at all levels in the district, understands their roles. An incident response plan often includes a list of roles and responsibilities for the incident response team members, a list of critical network and data recovery processes and communications, both internal and external. DPOC will conduct a tabletop exercise to revise the plan as the district becomes more mature in its security posture.