ML Schedules

ML Schedules helps schools of all sizes improve efficiency by streamlining facility and resource requests, such as conference rooms, auditoriums, athletic fields and classrooms. This allows internal staff and outside groups to request these resources with an internal approval and workflow process. It is purpose-built for school districts to move this traditionally labor-, time- and paper-intensive process to the cloud for both internal staff and external community members who regularly use district spaces. There is the ability to integrate with AD and Google Calendar.

Service includes:

  • 10 percent price reduction on subscriptions and implementation costs
  • working with the vendor on customer concerns
  • communication of new features, system improvements and available trainings with districts via User Group Meetings
  • billing of ML Schedules invoices to reduce time spent by each district creating purchase orders
  • district support is available from the vendor five (5) days a week from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday
  • on-site user groups at the NERIC Offices provided by vendor twice yearly — once in the fall and once in the spring. NERIC will rotate between the North Country and Albany, with the other region being able to video conference into the User Group