iObservation, Frontline EEMS

The software packages currently contain:

  • iObservation is an instructional and leadership improvement system. It collects, manages and reports longitudinal data from classroom walk-throughs, teacher evaluations and teacher observations. Teacher growth and leadership practices inform professional development, which is differentiated to individual learning needs for each teacher and leader to increase his or her classroom effectiveness.
  • Frontline EEMS (Employee Evaluation Management System)’s components enable communication, collaboration and the exchange of evaluation data to flow easily between multiple evaluators, observers and practitioners, and even amongst peers. Frontline EEMS provides an open-ended, yet structured, approach that allows participants to engage actively in the appraisal process. The Frontline EEMS service can be bundled with Frontline PLMS (Professional Learning Management System) for Instructional & Non-Instructional Users offered through NERIC’s Professional Development Tracking System Support service.
  • Frontline Focus for Observers & Teachers allows districts to incorporate Danielson’s Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument 2011/2013 as a rubric in the observation/evaluation system. Other available components include online learning modules based on authentic teaching practice to support professional development and school turnaround and an online course for administrators to obtain their certification or re-calibration in inter-rater reliability.